Wow, just wow! This whole adoption process is full of things we can't control and are challenging to deal with. Since Friday, we've had several more big breakthroughs. I'm sure that in time the other shoe will fall and we'll be stuck waiting for something crucial again (ahem, possibly our home study:-) but for now, we are enjoying being so grateful for the shower of blessing we just experienced!
Sunday we had two friends offer to help with our travel expenses--one friend offered financial assistance and the other (an on-again/off-again flight attendant at the mercy of the fickle airline industry) offered buddy passes provided they are working then. Wow! We are just speechless and so grateful!!!
Speaking of friends, we got two of our three reference letters (actually 5 of 6 b/c we are just waiting for 1 home study letter) best....self....esteem....boost....ever! I think every year from now on I am going to ask my friends to write a reference letter for me:-) Seriously, it's pretty incredible that we have such awesome friends and that they think (or at least write:-) such amazing things about us:-)
This morning, our homestudy agency emailed me back:-)!!!!! It seems two things converged to slow up our case-1. they misunderstood some language in our placement agency's agreement and 2. someone was out of the office for almost a week but didn't have their "out of office" on...I am pretty sure now that things are moving forward and everyone is clear that this is a priority for us to get done and sent to Washington before Christmas if at all possible. We still haven't heard from our social worker, but the Executive Director said the social worker should be in touch tomorrow and gave us her email--so if necessary we can start e-stalking:-)
Then tonight both my passport and Ababa's 2007 tax return arrived in the mail:-) (Plus some awesome Ethiopian-themed Christmas presents for family and friends:-)
AND, when I opened my email I found out that our placement agency is now going to be working with two more orphanages (both of which have been vetted by the Ethiopian government and our agency). So, they are expecting referrals will pick up!!! As important as it feels to us to know that we may become parents sooner, it's really fantastic b/c it means more kids who are in need of families will get them! YAY!!!
So...if our escrow check and Ababa's passport arrive this week and if we can set up our in-person meeting with our social worker before Thursday, we will be truly be filled and overflowing with Thanksgiving!!! (I mean we will be anyway, but really, how amazing would that be:-)
Tomorrow morning we are trucking down to 1 Police Plaza to get our "Good Conduct Certificates with Live Signature" sounds exciting, right? They'll take 10 business days to process, so we want to get that moving ASAP. Ababa is still working on his chest x-ray/medical report, it's looking like this will happen the first week of December.