Saturday, February 16, 2013

When it rains it pours, and pours, and pours...

This week's wrap up...

-Ababa learned he has a herniated disk with a pinched nerve and is now in intensive physical therapy
-Ababa got let go from his job b/c of inability to work due to said herniated disk (he can barely walk and is under Drs orders not to lift things right now)
-Our car got towed by the towing bounty hunter (aka the #$%^& US Marshall Office with severely inflated towing fees and very inconveniently located tow lots)
-I started back to school, had a huge event at work and a major MAJOR negotiation, plus I had to go get the car out of the tow lot b/c Ababa couldn't walk and do most of the school drop offs and pick-ups
-B started his new school which is much further from our house and awkward to get to on public transportation, so we spent a fortune on cab rides in the two days our car was in the tow lot (good news, he still loves his new school!)

and then this morning...

Ababa and I were lying in bed.

We heard B get up and turn his light on, then we heard an awful noise that sounded like something between a cat coughing up a hairball and a very liquid splat.

Ababa and I both froze, said "what was that", and looked at each other genuinely perplexed...

We heard footsteps, B slamming open the bathroom door, and a little boy saying "uh oh"

I went running into the bathroom and stopped short in the doorway...

...a trail of liquid poop drops from the PJ hook in his room, through his room, to the bathroom, splatted all over the potty, all over him, and all over the bathroom floor...

*****Please, please let this be a one time occurrence and not the start of a stomach bug*****

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