Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Just so I remember...

My sweet little boy is growing up so fast...

  • yesterday morning he said "mommy you are gross" (and meant it!) b/c I said he would need to go to school (school is still not popular in our household...more on that later, but it is my biggest parenting regret to-date, if I had a do-over he would have just stayed in daycare for another year)
  • my baby still says "baby bunchling" (baby bunting), "kipp you up" (pick you up), "you" (me), kavillion (pavilion), ga-wasses (glasses)
  • His favorite books are Bread and Jam for Frances, A Bargain for Frances, and Corderoy's Christmas.  He loves Frances so much that he continually reenacts the books throughout the day and his favorite foods are bread and jam, spaghetti and meatballs, and he asks for breaded veal cutlets everyday...he can't wait to try them (he'll be waiting a while as we are a veal-free house)
I will say this a thousand times, and a thousand times more...my son is amazing.  I am so blessed and grateful to be his mommy.

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