Sunday, September 26, 2010

Why Adopt from Ethiopia?

We choose Ethiopian adoption after much thought and prayer.  

Top five reasons we chose Ethiopia

  1. We feel strongly and inexplicably called to adopt and want to offer a child/children the love and stability that a family provides.
  2. We feel best suited to adopting and dealing with the needs of an infant, toddler, or young sibling group. We explored adopting through the US fostercare system first, but learned through that system that we would most likely be adopting older children, many with significant issues.  We may pursue that route at a later time when we are more experienced parents, but do not feel equipped to meet the unique needs of an older child at this time.  Adopting through Ethiopia we can limit our parameters to infants, toddlers, and young sibling groups.
  3. Ethiopia has a tremendous need and we fit the requirements for marriage length, health, and finances stipulated for Ethiopian adoption.
  4. Ethiopia offers a relatively affordable, straightforward, and ethical adoption process. 
  5. If we are blessed to also get pregnant during the adoption process, we have the option to put our adoption paperwork on hold and resume after the baby is 6 months or older.  If we have already received a referral for a specific child Ethiopian laws and our agency offer some flexibility to continue with the adoption, which would be our desire.
We understand that issues in Ethiopia are far larger than can be addressed with the current adoption system; however, through adoption we can change the life of a child/children.  One of the really cool things about adoption is that it raises your awareness of pressing issues, softens your heart, and calls you to action.  And it doesn't tend to be just you! Whole communities of families, friends, and colleagues become aware of issues and seek to help.  Maybe adoption isn't for you...but sponsoring and praying for a child...or a well...or a school...or an NGO...might be.  Meaningful, large-scale change can happen and God can use our individual actions to work amazing change!

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