Friday, December 14, 2012

Amazing and Thoughtful Blog By an Ethiopian Trying to Connected Adopted Children with their Heritage

This blog is a resource I have literally been dreaming of but did not know existed!  How amazing to have a young Ethiopian man thoughtfully try to share his heritage with the children of his country who now live around the world!

My son is my son, but he has many relatives and a uniquely complex story.  He is American, he is Ethiopian. He is mine to raise, but was born to, raised by, and loved by many others for almost three years before we came into each other's lives.

Our whole family loves Ethiopia and it is now an indelible part of our lives. How much more so my son who is Ethiopian, was born in Ethiopia, and has a proud Ethiopian heritage. He is American but he is also Ethiopian.  He will always be both.

The art, pottery, shawls, clothes, carvings, and other crafts we brought home from Ethiopia adorn our house.  The recipes fill our mouths and nourish our bodies.  The celebrations we attend and relationships we are trying to develop with our local Ethiopian community are at once perplexing and rewarding.  The books we purchase expand our minds and provide a glimmer of my son's heartbreakingly beautiful, proud, complex, impoverished, ever-changing, and unimaginably rich history, but to have a person who is trying to articulate all these things intentionally, sensitively, and clearly, specifically for kids who no longer live in Ethiopia because of international adoption...WOW!  All I can say is "thank you" from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!

Ethio Origins

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